Care & Maintenance of Sound Processor - Hearing Aid Clinic in Bhopal
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Care & Maintenance of Sound Processor

Here are some simple tips to show your love to your sound processor so that it keeps loving you back for a long time. What’s more, you ‘all also save money by avoiding frequent service and repairs.

  1. Keep the inside of your processor clean and free from moisture
  2. Wipe the outside of your processor, cable and coil with a soft dry cloth.
  3. Place the processor in the Dry & Store to remove moisture from the inside.
  4. Straighten the cable to avoid tangles.
  1. Disconnect all the connection points once a week and clean it with a soft dry cloth.
  2. Brush the battery contacts and accessory port with a soft brush to remove dust.
  3. Use Protective covers to keep dust and moisture out.
  1. Use oil on your hair.
  2. Use your processor while in the shower.
  3. Use the processor when swimming applying powder, makeup or hairspray.

*Applicable only for Nucleus Sound Processor without Aqua Accessory


  1. Change the Dry-Brick that absorbs moisture every two months.
  2. Change the protective covers of the microphones to avoid clogging.