Cochlear Implant - Hearing Aid Clinic in Bhopal
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Cochlear Implantation

Cochlear implant system is designed for people who are not able to benefit from hearing aids. It is an electronic device which stimulates the auditory nerve with electric signals which the brain can understand as sound. Cochlear implants are considered the only machinery available to functionally re-establish one of the five senses. In contrast to hearing aids, which intensify sound, these electronic devices bypass the damaged part of the inner so that person can hear it best. People who have cochlear implant are heard clearly in the noisy environment, enjoy music and reconnect with friends and family.

Maintainence & Reliable of Cochlear Implant Ever

At Cochlear, nothing is more important than the welbeing of the people who trust their hearing to us. That’s why implant reliability is so critical. Because the more reliable our implants, the fewer surgeries you , or your child will need.

Consider this : After three years , people with a CochlearTM Nucleus@CI24RE Implant are nearly 5 times LESS likely than those with a MED-EL Concerto Implant to need implant replacement surgery.

After seven year, people with a Cochlear Nucleus CI24RE Implant are more than 4 thimes LESS likely than those with a MED-EL Concerto implant , and nearly 2 times LESS likely than those with an Advanced Bionics HiRes 90K to need implant replacement surgery.

Within 10 year 99 % of our CI24RE Implants are still going strong and are being used by more than 115,000 people. + That’s the highest reliablity of any cochlear implant on the market. And the lowest risk of implant replacement surgery for you or your child.

Best Track Record Of Reliability

We’ve been standingby our lifetime commitment for more than 30 year, when we releasedthe world’s first cochlear implant.

And we are proud to be able to say , that since we started publishing the reliability data on our first implant more than 25 year ago , 92.3% of those implants are still working.

No other cochlear implant company long-term data comes close.


The CI22M implant , released in 1985 , was Cochlear’s first commercial implant. The Cumulative Survival Percentage for registered CI22M implants worldwide is 92.3% within 25 years.