Latest Digital Hearing Aids & Styles - Multiple Brands Available
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What are the different types and styles of hearing aids?


Your hearing professional can recommend one or more types based on factors such as your level of hearing loss, aesthetic preferences, lifestyle needs and budget. Most BTE and RIC styles come in a range of colors and metallic finishes to complement your hair or skin tone. *Individual results may vary. Invisibility may vary based on your ear’s anatomy.


Invisible-In-The-Canal (IIC)



This custom-fitted style is inserted farther into the ear canal than other styles, so it’s completely invisible* when worn. IIC hearing aids are designed to be removed daily to promote good ear health. For mild to moderate hearing loss.
*Individual results may vary. Invisibility may vary based on your ear’s anatomy.


Completely-In-Canal (CIC)



CIC hearing instruments are custom-made to fit completely in the ear canal. Only the tip of a small plastic “handle” shows outside the canal, which is used to insert and remove the instrument. For mild to moderate hearing loss.


In-The-Canal (ITC)



ITC hearing instruments are custom-made to fit in the ear canal with a smaller portion of the hearing aid showing in the outer ear. For mild to mildly severe hearing loss.


In-The-Ear (ITE)



ITE hearing instruments are custom-made to fit within the outer portion of the ear. For mild to severe hearing loss.


Receiver-In-Canal (RIC)



Barely visible when worn, the RIC style is an instrument in which the receiver, or speaker, is inside the ear canal. Thin electrical wires are used instead of a plastic acoustical tube, reducing distortion. RIC hearing aids provide a comfortable, open fit. For mild to moderate hearing loss.  It is also available in rechargeable units.


Behind-The-Ear (BTE)



The hearing technology is housed in a casing that rests behind the ear. A clear plastic acoustical tube directs amplified sound into an earbud or a customized earmold that is fitted inside the ear canal. For moderate to severe hearing loss.



A tinnitus Masker is an electronic hearing aid device that generates and emits broad-band or narrow-band noise at low levels, designed to mask the presence of tinnitus.


Such masking noise is also referred to as white noise. For individuals suffering from both hearing loss and tinnitus, the masker and the hearing aid can operate together as one instrument. It is available in cic/ric/bte style.